On 1st May 2019, the Joffe Trust and NCVO co-convened a roundtable on how UK civil society could better respond to Brexit and its causes.
The discussion drew on a blog Brexit, then what? and background note Take Back Control: Brexit as a springboard to fix British politics and build a better society.
There was a lively discussion that can be summarised in eight points:
- Civil society urgently needs to act together to help shape the course Britain is taking.
- Brexit creates a unique opportunity to reform our political system.
- People expect new forms of direct participation in decision making.
- The way that civil society acts on this is as important as what we do.
- Civil society should ensure our day-to-day work tackles the causes of Brexit.
- Civil society also needs to engage with the process of Brexit.
- There’s a lot to build on …
- … but more ambitious, coordinated approaches are urgently needed that can have an impact at national scale.
Download the short report with proposed next steps. We will stay involved in these crucial issues. They shape what kind of country Britain is becoming and how much we will promote democracy, human rights and international engagement.
Please contact Alex Jacobs to discuss this further.