In May / June 2020, the Joffe Trust and the John Ellerman Foundation convened two lively funder roundtables, one on UK tax reform and the other on fighting corruption.

Civil society activists presented state-of-the-art analysis and priorities, summarised in the briefing notes below. Funders discussed the vast scale of the issues and the risks & opportunities created by the C-19 crisis and Brexit. They identified critical links with wider work on social, economic & climate justice.

The Covid crisis has transformed the public finances. Opinion has moved against tax avoidance. There are tremendous opportunities to cement in good practice, and promote tax reforms that fund quality public services and also drive equality, climate action and opportunity for all.

Brexit is re-shaping the UK as a country. Civil society has identified practical steps for the UK to become more of a beacon of integrity, rather than a safe haven for corrupt money from around the world.

Funder roundtable on UK tax reform, 29th May 2020
Funder roundtable on Fighting Corruption, 12th June 2020

We are looking forward to continuing the conversation. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss these issues.

Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash